socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use in OpenERP

         This error mainly raised when another process listening on port 


Change the port number for OpenERP or kill that running process and restart it again, this two hints will resolve the problem.

There are several process running on your system so first Find the process which uses the port number of OpenERP and list out that process id .For do this open your terminal and type following commend

     ps aux | grep openerp 
just verify the process id of that OpenERP process.



Kill the process which uses the port number of OpenERP by the following command in terminal.

       sudo kill -9 procees id [ex: sudo kill -9 3550 where 3550 is process id]

Then Restart the openerp-server .now error solved .

        sudo /etc/init.d/openerp-server restart
If you do not want to kill process than you can also stop OpneERP process by this will also resolved this error

        sudo /etc/init.d/openerp-server stop

Hope that was helpful.

If I just made your day a little better then thank me with a coffee or maybe a pizza


Mayur Maheshwari


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  2. Replies
    1. i think the reason it did not work was because you dont know the sudo password. just saying cos it did not work for me until i used my sudo password

  3. Hello, didn't work for me...

  4. Didn't work for me as well and i used my sudo password

  5. I really need help .. I have typed this command "time bitbake core-image-minimal "and the download started it reach 40 % and my pc had shutdown I tried to restart the download by retyping the same command but I get this error "OSError: [Errno 98] Address 'hashserve.sock' is already in use
    can please help me "

  6. Dear Mayur,

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us. It is very informational, I hope that you will share some more in near future.

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